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Monday, December 12, 2011

Motivational Speaker Sales Force

Bill Deering is an extremely powerful motivational speaker for a sales force. He continually inspires and motivates sales forces around the country. Sharing his story of how he learned to overcome even the most difficult hurdles, and the never quit attitude will inspire any sales force. Having had a severe stuttering problem for most of his life, he was not only able to overcome that problem, but become a powerful motivational speaker.... and able to market himself around the world making COLD CALLS to do so. Where the average sales person would throw in the towel, Bill will teach you how to see past the rejection. You can't wait another minute to get Bill as a motivational speaker sales force.

1 comment:

  1. This is important to motivate others. Thanks for sharing this information. Do have a look at Motivational Speaker in New York
