Stephen R. McKiernan
Former Director of Student Programmming
& Coordinator of Co-Curricular Programs
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Bill is one of those rare individuals who will not let the obstacles of life stop him from being a success in life. His experiences, throughout his life, has led him to this moment where his message needs to be heard by others who feel they might be alone or feel that whatever their disability might be it will prevent them from achieving their goals in life. Bill is an excellent role model who, at one time, was afraid to speak in public. He feared opening his mouth and he felt sometimes alone, but his positive thinking, determination, drive, inner strength, genuine decency, and desire to reach others with a positive message led him to where he is today; speaking all over the country talking about overcoming stuttering and how he like all of us, can do great things in life since we are all, in one way or another, dealing with what we call "the roadblocks of life". Bill's message is great for high school and college students plus professionals and student affairs staff who work every day with people with disabilities. I, like Bill, look at the person, not the disability. Each person has unique gifts and stuttering really helped Bill become the person he is today. He wants to make people aware of others who may be somewhat different from the norm, but productive in every way. Bill's message is enlightening and full of wonderful anecdotes that people can relate to. His story is a human story and one that all college administrators should appreciate if they understand Arthur Chickering's seven vectors of development where the ultimate goal for all living beings is integrity. Bill has integrity! Bill has reached that seventh vector and his story is about dealing with the other six. His passion, compassion for others, and desire to give back to society through his message and life experience, is what makes Bill Deering's message very special to those who are lucky to hear it for the first time.
This is meant to be a strong recommendation for Bill Deering. Give him a chance to speak to your students and staff. But also work very hard to secure an audience, so the greatest impact can be achieved with the greatest number. Bill Deering is an up and coming speaker. You have an opportunity to secure him before he becomes very big in the lecture area. You cannot book a nicer person, but it is the message that counts and the impact his message will have on others. I can guarantee you will not regret booking Bill Deering for he is what we want in all of our college speakers; a person with a message, a person who truly cares about reaching others with issues in life that they feel cannot be overcome, and finally a very positive message showing the development of a person and how one's obstacle in life helped make the person.
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