Stephen R. McKiernan
Retired/Former Director of Student Programming
&Coordinator of Co-Curricular Programs at
West Chester University
This is a strong recommendation for the said candidate. Bill was selected by our department and the organization I advised as one of the speakers we sponsored at West Chester University. He received high praise for his motivational speech on overcoming the obstacle of stuttering.
Bill Deering is a genuine person who loves students and his story is one that all young people need to hear. He is a person who will encourage everyone to never let a physically challenged situation prevent them from doing what they want to accomplish in their lives.
I strongly urge potential clients to utilize him for a wide variety of groups as a motivational speaker. He will inspire others to go on to achieve great things in life knowing that all of us, in some way or another, are not perfect. Knowing this, we all need to appreciate the uniqueness in all human beings.
I am available for further contact by email at buckeye.stephen@gmail.com or contact Bill directly wjdeering1@aol.com.
P.S. He truly is an INSPIRATION!!!
From: Hyoejin Yoon
Department of English
West Chester University
"Bill Deering has an important message for those of us who feel hindered by seemingly impassable obstacles in our lives; don't listen to that negative "talk" that runs through our minds. He spoke to a large group of students, faculty, and staff at West Chester University's 10th Annual Civility Day 2007, recounting his own rise from a lonely, overwieght, and underachieving high school student to a confident role model.
Among the many obstacles that Deering has overcome (including obesity, a learning disability, and depression) is his speech impediment. He stutters. As several audience members at West Chester University noted, one would not expect someone who stutter to be a motivational speaker. yet, Deering's confidence and poignant story command our attention and challenge us to really listen to someone whom we might otherwise interrupt or whose sentences we might be tempted to finish. His interactive presentation engages audience members to share their own dreams and hopes, and to challenge the negativitiy that often prevents them from daring to try, daring to act.
A career as a speaker is a relatively new direction for Deering, who only started his speaking engagements about 18 months ago. As he develops and hones his story and the interactive dimensions of his presentation, I suspect he'll address more thoroughly the questions of those who may not see how his story applies to them. Some questions might include: did overcoming negative thinking alone result in such dramatic changes for Deering? Is Deering's admirable fortitude something that average folks can approximate? If so, how? Is he suggesting that individuals alone can pull themselvves out of their bleak situations? Do counselors and other support structures have a role to play in Deering's philosophy? Is the final message that we should just try harder?
One thing for sure: Deering's courage and his audacity to pursue his dreams teach a lesson that inspires us all to dare to do something that we and others might put out ofconsideration. I'm sure we can expect impressive things this not-so-fledgling motivational speaker."
K. Hyoejin Yoon, Ph.D
Assistant Professor, Department of English
Co-chair, University Forum, Office of the President
West Chester University
West Chester, PA 19383
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